2024 Gambling Survey: In-Depth Look at Britain’s Gambling Trends

The Gambling Commission has launched the 2024 Gambling Survey for Great Britain, providing new insights into gambling behaviour. This survey, one of the largest of its kind, marks a significant step in understanding participation rates, activities, and the impact of gambling on individuals and their communities. Featuring responses from nearly 10,000 people, the survey’s findings will help shape future research and policy-making efforts.

Close-up of a person writing with a pen, with legal books and a balanced scale in the background. The text 'Gambling Commission' is prominently displayed on the left side.

Introduction to the 2024 Gambling Survey

The 2024 Gambling Survey for Great Britain has been launched by the Gambling Commission, representing a significant milestone in understanding gambling behaviour nationwide. Conducted by the National Centre for Social Research and the University of Glasgow, this comprehensive survey aims to establish a new baseline for gambling research, ensuring a robust evidence base for future studies.

This initial report features responses from 9,804 participants, with plans to increase the sample size to around 20,000 next year. The survey employs a state-of-the-art push-to-web methodology and random probability sampling, providing accurate and reliable data. This approach enhances the survey’s quality and ensures that the findings represent the entire population.

Key insights from the survey reveal important trends and patterns in gambling participation, attitudes, and behaviours. The data highlights how and why people engage in gambling activities, shedding light on the experiences and consequences associated with gambling. This information is crucial for policymakers, researchers, and stakeholders who are dedicated to understanding and addressing the impacts of gambling in society.

Tim Miller, Executive Director of Research and Policy at the Gambling Commission, emphasised the importance of this survey in gathering the best possible evidence on gambling. He noted that the 2024 survey establishes a new baseline for future comparisons, allowing for a deeper understanding of gambling trends over time. This survey is a pivotal step forward in the Gambling Commission’s efforts to enhance the evidence base on gambling in Great Britain.

Key Findings on Gambling Participation

The 2024 Gambling Survey for Great Britain provides a comprehensive overview of gambling participation nationwide. According to the survey, 48 per cent of adults aged 18 and over participated in some form of gambling in the past four weeks. This figure drops to 27 per cent when excluding those who only participated in lottery draws, highlighting the significant role of lotteries in overall gambling participation.

The survey also revealed gender differences in gambling habits. Male participants were more likely to engage in gambling activities than their female counterparts, with 52 per cent of men and 44 per cent of women reporting gambling participation in the past four weeks. These findings suggest that gambling is more prevalent among men, which could inform targeted interventions and support services.

In terms of age groups, the survey found that younger adults, particularly those aged 18 to 34, exhibited higher rates of gambling participation, especially at online betting sites. This age group also showed a higher likelihood of engaging in riskier gambling behaviours, as indicated by their Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) scores. The data underscores the need for age-specific prevention and education programs to address younger gamblers’ unique challenges.

The survey’s insights into gambling participation rates and demographics are crucial for developing effective policies and interventions. By understanding who participates in gambling and why, stakeholders can better address the associated risks and support responsible gambling practices. The Gambling Commission aims to use this data to guide future research and policy decisions, ensuring a safer gambling environment for all.

Attitudes and Experiences Towards Gambling

The 2024 Gambling Survey for Great Britain sheds light on participants’ varied attitudes and experiences towards gambling. When asked about their feelings towards gambling, 41 per cent of adults who gambled in the past 12 months rated their last gambling experience positively, while 21 per cent gave it a negative rating, and 37 per cent remained neutral. These mixed feelings highlight the complex nature of gambling experiences and the varying impacts it has on individuals.

Participants cited several reasons for engaging in gambling activities. The most common motivations included the chance of winning big money (86 per cent), the enjoyment and fun associated with gambling (70 per cent), the desire to make money (58 per cent), and the excitement it brings (55 per cent). These reasons underline the multifaceted appeal of gambling and its ability to cater to different personal motivations.

The survey also explored the consequences of gambling, revealing that male participants and those aged 18 to 34 had higher Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI) scores, indicating a higher likelihood of experiencing gambling-related issues. This data is crucial for understanding the potential gambling risks and developing targeted interventions to mitigate these risks. By examining the attitudes and experiences towards gambling, the survey provides valuable insights into the broader social and psychological dimensions of gambling in Great Britain.

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