The Heinz Flag Calculator
The Heinz Flag calculator you can use below is your ultimate tool for calculating the returns you’ll be due to receive when making a bet of this type. This system bet is not inherently complex and we’ll give you a complete walkthrough of the mechanics going on under the hood when you make a bet of this category at the sportsbook. To jump straight into the action, simply follow our link in the banner below and you’ll have the whole sportsbook at your disposal when planning this Heinz Flag system bet.
What Is a Heinz Flag Bet?
Using the Heinz Flag returns calculator briefly, you may become familiar as to what exactly is going on here. There are a series of selections that are taken into the system, and they are used to form 87 smaller bets. This is made up of 1 six-fold accumulator, 6 five-folds, 15 four-folds, 20 trebles, 15 doubles and 15 single stakes about bets. It is the last component of this bet that makes it inherently unique from a standard Heinz system bet. But moving forward, this bet and it’s subsequent returns are completely dependent on the outcome of the 15 singles. This component of the system utilises the profit made in one bet to place on the next bet, setting off a chain reaction that can lead to some huge profit capture.
How To Use the Heinz Flag Bet Calculator
The heinz flag profit calculator is one of the simplest tools on the internet that sports betting enthusiasts can use to improve their overview of complex system bets. You’ll need to do your due diligence before placing the bet, and plan exactly the amount of selections that you can make. There are a few obscure cases with this bet, so be sure that you understand the nature of odds levels, and sports betting markets before risking a large sum of money on these markets.
A Practical Example
The heinz flag bet calculator can be deployed in conjunction with many different selections on the sportsbook. You’ll need to have a firm choice of six markets in mind, that do not disqualify each other for being part of the same fixture, for example. Once you have your six markets in mind, extract the odds levels of each market, choose your stake amount and enter the stake into the field at the operator. Bear in mind that this stake amount will be multiplied by 87 times to produce what will be a very large system bet, so be sure that you can afford 87 times the amount you enter into the field for the heinz flag bag.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Using the Calculator
The heinz flag betting calculator has many inherent advantages that can be leveraged against doing this straight on the sportsbook. In this sandbox environment, you don’t have to concern yourself with the risk of losing money, we are purely here to offer you the ability to calculate and forecast how much you stand to make from these bets. Better still, you are able to easily modify the data being entered and evaluate the many different scenarios that will develop from making a bet of this type.
- The calculator has an easy and interactive user interface that allows for seamless configuration variables and applications.
- The odds levels can be entered in three different forms: American, Decimal and Fractional. Choose your preference easily.
- The simplest way to discover how much you stand to make from an elaborate system bet at the sportsbook.
Similar Types of Bet
There are a few extra bet types of this category that are worth mentioning here. The very aptly named Super Heinz Flag calculator, is the most similar. These obscure system bets rely on a vast amount of selections and the optimisation of the single bets that act as a chain on each other to carry over profit into a new bet, it is a fascinating and enticing way to bet if you have not yet tried it.
Discover All the Other Calculators
There are endless ways to bet it seems. We have done a very comprehensive job in covering as many of these bet types as possible in the table below. The grid you can use to navigate between the most popular bet types at our sportsbook. If you want to learn more, click on the calculator that appeals to you and use the information wisely!
- Main Calculator The complete betting calculator for all bet types and systems.
- Single Single bet is a bet placed on just one selection or market.
- Double The Double bet is a bet of two selections in combination.
- Treble Treble bets are composed of three selections in combination.
- Trixie The Trixie bet is a system bet of three selections.
- Dutching Dutching bets make two bets covering all outcomes.
- Accumulator Accumulator is made up of many selections in combination.
- Patent The Patent bet takes 3 selections in a 7 bet system.
- Yankee A Yankee bet combines four selections to make many bets.
- Lucky 15 A Lucky 15 bet used to bet on four events combine in 15 ways.
- Lucky 31 The Lucky 31 takes many selections in a system of 31 bets.
- Lucky 63 A Lucky 63 bet takes six selections to form 63 bets.
- Canadian The Canadian system bet takes 5 selections into a system.
- Heinz The Heinz bet takes in 6 selections and produces 57 bets.
- Super-Heinz The Super Heinz is 120 bets formed from 7 selections.
- Goliath The Goliath bet is 257 seperate bets out of 8 selections.
- Flag A Flag bet consists of 23 bets from four different selections.
- Super Flag The Super Flag bet is made up of five selections and 46 bets.
- Round Robin A Round Robin is made up of three selections forming 10 bets.
- SSA The Singe Stakes About is two selections from different events.
- DSAA Double Stakes About bet is two selections from different events.
- HutchingA Hutching bet is a way to secure a profit on your selection.
- Goliath FlagA Goliath Flag bet produces 303 bets from eight selections.
- Super Heinz FlagFrom seven events the Super Heinz Flag has 162 bets.
- Union Jack PatentThe Union Jack Patent bet is made up of 56 bets.
- Union Jack Round RobinUnion Jack Round Robin bets contain 80 total wagers.
- Union Jack TreblesUnion Jack Trebles is made of up of eight trebles total.
- Union Jack TrixieThe Union Jack Trixie composes of a total 32 bets.
- AlphabetThe Alphabet is a system of 26 different bets from 6 selections.
- RoundaboutRoundabouts are made up three selections over six bets.
- RounderThe Rounder bet is three singles and three single stake doubles.