The SSA Calculator
Welcome to our page dedicated to the SSA calculator. The single stakes about bet is a fantastic type of wager, but often times can be difficult to work out on your own. That’s why we are here to do the hard work for you! Below you will find our dedicated tool that will whirl you away with its ease of you. Have a try now!
What is a SSA Bet?
A single stakes about bet is a wager consisting of two selections from different events. They are combined to make two bets from 2 singles. A return from the original singles is then used to fund an additional single on the other selection. It sounds complicated, but effectively it is a way of making more money if you are confident that both of your singles will come in. It’s a great little bet that seems to be growing in popularity as the years go by.
How to use the Single Stakes About Calculator
Using our single stakes about calculator is very simple. It was designed that way, so all you need is you odds from the two selections and the stake you want to place. Add these into their respective boxes, and you’ll get a result. Just make sure the odds you enter are matching the drop-down menu for fractional, decimal, or American. You’ll notice once the boxes are filled in the total return and profit is automatically produced, and if you make changes to what you enter, these change too! It’s fantastic, isn’t it? There is not more else to do. We told you it was easy!
A Practical Example
Now, let us delve into a practical example of using the up and down calculator. We chose two basketball games and back the Houston Rockets at 4/1 and the Denver Nuggets at 3/1. We decide to place a stake of £5 per bet. That’s a total stake of £10. If both the games come through, we stand to get a return of £80.00, and a total profit of £70.00. A tidy sum indeed. What happened if the Nuggets fail? Well, we’d still win a little. We’d get a return of £20.00 and a profit of £10.00. Now that you have seen the bet in action, why don’t you try one for yourself? We will help you out with this tool!
Advantages of Using the Calculator
There are ample advantages to using this cross bet calculator. None more so than the speed at which it can deliver you firm results. You don’t want to spend minutes waiting, and this delivers in milliseconds. What’s more, as it is automatic, you can change odds quickly and make comparisons to what the bets you want to place in order to maximise your profit-making potential. It is truly a genius invention and one that every punt worth their salt will want in their metaphorical pocket.
- Easily calculate your bet with minimal fuss and see the results quickly
- The user interface means that moving between sections is incredibly easy
- Automatic calculations mean that you can compare odds prices effectively and make a decision
Similar Types of Bet
Perhaps the most similar type of bet to this one is the double stakes about bet. It is simply an extension of this one, the same structure, you just double the stakes! There are also bets that combine the SSA to form a massive overall wager. So, keep your eye out for all that’s on offer.
Discover all The Other Calculators
It’s hard to believe after coming to the end of the twist calculator page that there could possibly be more. Well, let us tell you now that there is! Our wonderful team of experts have been working hard to provide you with tools for every bet type. Check the list below and you’ll see how many we have developed. It’s astounding, we know!
- Main Calculator The complete betting calculator for all bet types and systems.
- Single Single bet is a bet placed on just one selection or market.
- Double The Double bet is a bet of two selections in combination.
- Treble Treble bets are composed of three selections in combination.
- Trixie The Trixie bet is a system bet of three selections.
- Dutching Dutching bets make two bets covering all outcomes.
- Accumulator Accumulator is made up of many selections in combination.
- Patent The Patent bet takes 3 selections in a 7 bet system.
- Yankee A Yankee bet combines four selections to make many bets.
- Lucky 15 A Lucky 15 bet used to bet on four events combine in 15 ways.
- Lucky 31 The Lucky 31 takes many selections in a system of 31 bets.
- Lucky 63 A Lucky 63 bet takes six selections to form 63 bets.
- Canadian The Canadian system bet takes 5 selections into a system.
- Heinz The Heinz bet takes in 6 selections and produces 57 bets.
- Super-Heinz The Super Heinz is 120 bets formed from 7 selections.
- Goliath The Goliath bet is 257 seperate bets out of 8 selections.
- Flag A Flag bet consists of 23 bets from four different selections.
- Super Flag The Super Flag bet is made up of five selections and 46 bets.
- Round Robin A Round Robin is made up of three selections forming 10 bets.
- DSAA Double Stakes About bet is two selections from different events.
- HutchingA Hutching bet is a way to secure a profit on your selection.
- Heinz Flag A Heinz Flag system is made up of 87 smaller bets overall.
- Goliath FlagA Goliath Flag bet produces 303 bets from eight selections.
- Super Heinz FlagFrom seven events the Super Heinz Flag has 162 bets.
- Union Jack PatentThe Union Jack Patent bet is made up of 56 bets.
- Union Jack Round RobinUnion Jack Round Robin bets contain 80 total wagers.
- Union Jack TreblesUnion Jack Trebles is made of up of eight trebles total.
- Union Jack TrixieThe Union Jack Trixie composes of a total 32 bets.
- AlphabetThe Alphabet is a system of 26 different bets from 6 selections.
- RoundaboutRoundabouts are made up three selections over six bets.
- RounderThe Rounder bet is three singles and three single stake doubles.